Inorder to improve the professional skills of our sales and promote theestablishment and improvement of the company's talent industry chain, FOCONOsuccessfully launched the "International Sales Technical SkillsContest" in March. So far it has been successfully carried out twosessions. And it will also be held.
This two skills training competitions wereconducted in the form of “two or two PK” in the International SalesDepartment. Sales should prepare PPT according to the determined themes. Eachperson was limited to 5 minutes and presented the PPT report on stage. Thenjudges asked questions based on the PPT themes and scored for each one. Atlast, we will choose the individual champion and team champion based on theirperformance.
Nomatter if each one can finish the presentation or not, the judges willpatiently ask questions and comment one by one. This not only examines theknowledge and skills of the sales, but also points out their currentdeficiencies. The aim for holding this contest is helping the sales torecognize their own deficiencies, correcting and then making progress.
It comes to the exciting awarding ceremonyafter deciding the individual and team championship. Our sales gained knowledgeand skills, gained the new recognition by the company, also the generousbonuses. All of these are inspired our sales to better improve themselves andbetter service for our clients. In the future, there will be more sessions ofsales knowledge training contests that waiting for everyone!
You are talent to choose FOCONO. For you will win one group of professional people thatdedicated to service you and your projects.